Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to all of our community who made it in to their child’s class exhibition on Wednesday after school. We enjoy sharing our learning with you, and the children and teachers worked extra hard to put a show on for you to enjoy; there was bread making, outside learning, a dance, volcanoes, pop-up mechanisms, informative presentations and poems. It was fantastic to see all of the sharing happening across the school.
Everybody is also invited back in to school after the half term holiday to celebrate Eid with a whole school family picnic. It will be held on the afternoon of Thursday 6th June, from 2pm. There will be entertainment and dancing, and it will be a brilliant community event in our outside environment.
Making Börek (Turkish Pastry)
This week Bluebell class has been learning all about Ramadan. We talked about fasting and the evening meal (Iftaar). Many children were eager to share their own experiences of Ramadan with their families.
We made a traditional iftaar dish from Turkey called Börek.

Making Memories in Year 3!
What a fantastic day year 3 had yesterday! We were doing activities all day about our identities and what is important to us. It was led by two artists from Tate Britain and part of the Year 3 project led by the famous artist, Steve McQueen.
We created lots of things to go in our ‘Vault’, a time capsule that we will open in Year 4. We created a newspaper, designed ‘Belonging Machines’ and wrote letters to our Year 4 selves. Ms Burren and Ms Clarke even wrote secret messages to us that we will only read when the Vault gets opened next year!
Learning to Canoe
Peggy Angus Class donned life jackets and headed out on the open water of the Olympic Park in 3-people canoes. Once we had mastered the art of rowing in a straight line, we were able to develop our skills to rowing sideways, acrobatics in the boat and races. A big thanks to the team on The Milk Float for such a brilliant morning. What a fantastic end to SATs week!

Van Gogh Class at the Royal Opera House
As part of Mahdi’s prize for winning the Design and Make Primary Challenge, all of Van Gogh Class were invited to watch the ballet, Romeo and Juliet, at the Royal Opera House yesterday. It was the first time any of us had watched a ballet, and we loved it! Mahdi received a certificate and prize from the director of the Royal Ballet, Kevin O’Hare, and was interviewed about his winning design by the Royal Opera House. What a great experience for everyone.
Pop Up Book Hut
Next half term we will have a Pop Up Bok Hut at Lansbury Lawrence. It will be full of books that are free to be taken home. We will have the hut until July, and to be really succesful, it will need to be re-stocked with books regularly. If you have any children’s books at home that your child doesn’t read anymore that you would like to donate to the hut, please drop them off at the front office. We hope every child finds a book to read and enjoy in the Pop Up Book Hut.

Well Done to our Learners of the Week!
Parent Information
Parents/carers coffee morning
Held every wednesday in Blossom Classroom
Free refreshments
All welcome
Can we please ask that if your child is off school for any reason, you must telephone the school before 9am, on 0207 987 4589
Monday 3rd June
Back to school
Tuesday 4th June or Wednesday 5th June
School closure for Eid
Thursday 6th June
Eid Family Picnic – 2pm
Monday 10th June
Year 6 school journey
Wednesday 12th June
Year 3 to British Museum
Thursday 13th June
Arts Council to Tate Modern
Wednesday 19th June
Year 5 to Science Museum
Friday 28th June
Year 1 to Chalkwell Beach