Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term here at Lansbury Lawrence, we hope you had an enjoyable half term holiday. We have lots of exciting trips planned over the next few weeks, and we always need parent volunteers to support on these visits. Trips are listed under the key dates at this end of this newsletter. If you would like to volunteer as a parent helper, please do talk to your child’s teacher.
Parent and Teacher Meetings are next week on the 5th, 6th and 7th November. Please see your child’s teacher in the morning to arrange a time to come in.
Poppy Class celebrate Diwali
We have been celebrating the Hindu Festival of Light – Diwali. We have learnt about the festival, created Rangoli art, and listened to traditional Indian music. We also made candle-holders from clay, and added candles and lit them.

Road Safety Assembly
Years 1 – 6 learned about the importance of staying safe around busy roads this week, through a fun drama-based assembly. Now that the mornings and evenings are getting darker, it is even more important to make sure you are seen and safe around traffic.
Family Science
Well done to those those children that have been participating and enjoying their Family Science experiments.
The last one we posted was how to float an egg in water. Remember that you can still have a go at the previous experiments that we have posted on our newsletters, there is no deadline! A pupil from Riley Class that had participated in the experiment explained that, “the egg floated in the salty water because the water was more dense than the egg”. It is really nice to see children exploring and learning about density using the resources that they have in their kitchen cupboard!
There will be a new experiment posted next week.

Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning
Come and meet new friends over a cup of tea or coffee every Wednesday morning.
Sessions held in the parent room, by the Early Years entrance.
Please see Maureen for further information.
Monday 4th November
Peggy Angus Class visiting East London Mosque
Year 3 visiting Natural History Museum
Year 5 visiting the Barbican Centre
Friday 8th November
Year 6 visiting Mile End Ecology Pavilion
Wednesday 13th November
Tagore Class visiting Museum of London
Thursday 14th November
Van Gogh Class performing at Stratford Circus
Year 1 visiting Discover Story Centre, Stratford
Thursday 21st November
Year 4 visiting Crossrail Roof Garden, Canary Wharf
Monday 25th November
Delaunay Class visiting Museum of London
Tuesday 3rd December
Hirst Class visiting East London Mosque