Dear Parents and Carers
On Tuesday, our new hens arrived at Lansbury Lawrence. They have settled in really well, and are already producing eggs. We are lucky to have such amazing outside space at school, and having our new hens to look after has made it even better!
Well done to year 5. Both classes peformed brilliant assemblies this week. Thank you to all of the parents and families who came along to watch. We hope you enjoyed learning more about how to protect our planet, which is what year 5 have been exploring this half term.

Lansbury Lawrence Chickens
Delaunay Class were so excited about our new hens that they visited as soon as they arrived! They drew some lovely pictures of our new friends.
Nursery enjoyed meeting one of the hens in their classroom.
Goldsworthy Class wrote a contact on how we should look after the hens to keep them happy.

Spelling Bee
Four pupils from year 4 came third place in the Spelling Bee competition involving a group of Poplar Partnership Schools. Arafha, Abbas, Armin and Jabir formed team ‘Fantastic 4’ and did us proud with their performance. With just two marks away from victory, it seems that they stand a high chance of winning the title next time! They worked excellently as a team and really got stuck in!

Barbican Box
Mrs Sellens recently went on some training at the Barbican Centre with the poet and storyteller, Michael Rosen. We now have a Barbican Box at Lansbury Lawrence, which is based on stories and poems about Michael Rosen’s memories of his family. After hearing some of the stories, Hokusai Class made a class poem together based on memories they had of their own families. Listen to Lorien reading the class poem – it’s fantastic!
Lorien reading Hokusai Family Memories
Year 3 visit old Londinium
This week, year 3 went on a trip to the Guildhall to see the remains of an ancient Roman amphitheatre! Roman street level was 6 metres below where our streets are today so we had to go down lots of steps to reach the ancient remains. We also got to hold some real Roman coins and pieces of pottery that were nearly 2000 years old!

Year 6 visit the Imperial War Museum
Year 6 visited the Imperial War Museum where we learned lots of interesting facts about World War One and Two. Here are some of the things we learned:
The aeroplanes that were flown by the British during World War 2 were called Spitfires.
The RAF (Royal Air Force) were all volunteers and joined in their late teens and early twenty’s.
Over 65 million men volunteered or were conscripted to fight in mass citizen armies.
Over 30 nations declared war between 1914 to 1918. 16 million soldiers and citizens were left dead and countless others physically wounded.
During our trip we measured our height to see if we were tall enough to join the army (they had to be over 17 years old), none of us were tall enough!
We would recommend visiting the Museum if you are interested in learning about World War One and Two.
Written by Ridwan Abdulazim, Zubair Ahmed, Casey and Iqra
This school year, Lansbury Lawrence has launched P4C across all year groups. P4C is short for Philosophy for Children, and is a session run once a week in classes and is designed to develop children’s speaking and listening skills by improving their ability to take turns, generate ideas and respond to other peoples opinions using reasoning to articulate their argument. Children are given a stimulus to generate ideas from and form key concepts, they then generate a philosophical question, which is a question that doesn’t have a right or wrong answer. As P4C is relatively new to the school we encourage you to continue some of these discussions at home with your children, and we will be sharing a question each week in the newsletter from one of the key stages in order for you to do so. Happy Philosophising!
Year 2’s question this week is ‘Who gets to decide what’s fair?’

Well done to our Learners of the Week!
Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning
Monday 4th-Friday 8th February
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Tuesday 5th February
Safer Internet Day Parent/ Carer Workshop
9am in the Community Room
Tuesday 5th February
Parent/ Carer Oral Health session
9am in the Community Room
Tuesday 12th February
Year 5 to the London Buddhist Centre
18th-22nd February
School Closed for the Half-term Holiday
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday