Dear Parents and Carers
We are slowly updating our classrooms with new carpet and furniture to improve our learning environments. The children are very excited about their new rooms, and this week year 3 were the first to move in. Next week year 4 are having their classrooms updated, and very soon all of our rooms will be looking fantastic!

Year 5 visit the Barbican
Year 5 went to the Barbican to enjoy a concert from the world renowned London Symphony Orchestra. The theme of the concert was Forest and Fairy tales, with ancient stories from across Europe used to inspire various musical motifs. The children have all been learning to play a musical instrument this term, so the chance to see the instruments in action on stage was very exciting!

Delaunay Class visits the Museum of London
We had a great trip to the Museum of London. In our groups we had to hunt out some objects from the display and draw a picture. Then we watched an amazing video about the Great Fire of London. Our favourite things we saw were the giant fire hook, the funny shoes and the leather helmet. Then we went for story time and a man dressed up and told us the story of Will and his cat Whiskers who helped put out the fire. Some of us got to join in the story too.
The largest maths lesson ever?
This week was British Maths Week. Peggy Angus Class joined hundreds of classes across the country to take part in a maths lessons that was live streamed on YouTube by the Nrich maths project. The lesson focused on the pupils skills of estimation. They had to use given measurements to estimate the number of teddy bears in a jar, then the number of teddy bears that would fit in our classroom. We estimated that around 60,000 teddy bears would fit in our classroom!

Lansbury Lawrence Arts Council
Each year, a new group of children are selected as leaders across different subjects. The new Arts Council were selected from over 90 applications! The Arts Council are beginning a new project, creating a film on the history of our school. They have been learning all about how a camera works, with a professional filmmaker. Along with exploring our archive, they are interviewing different people from our community who may have a story to tell about our school. Did you come to Lansbury Lawrence as a child? Do you know someone who knows about the Festival of Britain? If you can think of anyone we should interview, please do let us know!

Thank you
Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning
Come and meet new friends over a cup of tea or coffee every Wednesday morning.
Sessions held in the parent room, by the Early Years entrance.
Please see Maureen for further information.
Thursday 21st November
Year 4 visiting Crossrail Roof Garden, Canary Wharf
Monday 25th November
Delaunay Class visiting Museum of London
Tuesday 3rd December
Hirst Class visiting East London Mosque