This week is Maths Week England where children across the country get the opportunity to focus on maths in lots of ways as they discover how fun, useful and creative it can be. In an online session yesterday that reached primary schools nationwide, Delaunay and Tagore class explored rotation, reflection, and enlargement as the students created repeating patterns with triangular tiles. While cutting, sticking and exploring the power of the number 3, they used spatial skills to visualise and combine similar shapes.

This is maths because we are using shapes. Shapes are part of maths, and triangles helped us to do maths in a different way today. We were rotating them in lots of ways so that we could make different shapes. We also fitted some small triangles into one big triangle to see if they would fit. Rayyan, Kadeejah and Dawud
I used red triangles to make an angry bird. Hawa
I made a sun out of triangles, and I had to rotate them. Sarah
I made a snake out of a triangular pattern that had two heads. Maryam, and I fit the triangles into another triangle to make a fish. Zain
We were making big triangles out of small triangles with patterns, and the class realised that maths is actually fun. Rebecca
After the session, we all took templates home along with instructions for how to make tetrahedrons. The children are looking forward to putting them together, one on top of the other, to create a tetratreedron.