We’ve had such a fantastic half term in Lichtenstein class, seeing all our friends again and getting back into the routine of learning. A big favourite has been starting swimming every Friday as part of our P.E lessons and also continuing with our music instrument lessons.
In English, we have been writing biographies about the life of Olaudah Equiano, a famous American writer and abolitionist who was kidnapped from Africa as a child and forced into slavery.
Also in English we have been writing a variety of poems including, cinquains and haikus and practising our use of personification.
In maths we have been focussing on decimals and money.

One highlight of the term was going on a trip to the Docklands to see for ourselves the history of our local area. We explored the warehouses and got to understand the impact it had on global trade. We also learned about the British Empire and the positive and negative effects it had on the world.

Finally, in Science, we have been learning about lifecycles.

We are all looking forward to a relaxing half term (with lots of reading!) but can’t wait to get back to school in Novemeber when we will be learning all about……..The Egyptians!