Our new topic in Year 5 this term is the Ancient Egyptians. We are learning about why they were significant.

This week we have learnt lots about Ancient Egyptian beliefs, such as mummification and the after-life.

Here is what we learnt about the process of Mummification (the process through which the body was preserved).

By Jamila
By Sawda
By Tangila

Then, as a class we “mummified” Myles!

First, you take out all the organs – lungs, stomach, brain and intestines – except for the heart.

Sofia and Aysha removing the organs
Then, you wrap the body in linen – Ayaan and Noor showing us how it’s done!

Next, add natron salt, which helps to preserve the skin and flesh. It takes 40 days for the body to fully dry out!

Ayaan and Noor sprinkling the natron salt

Before the mummy is transferred to the tomb, you must add special amulets, jewellery and shabtis dolls to protect the body from evil.

More special items are placed with the pharaoh
Laying a shabti doll beside the pharaoh

Finally, the mummy is transferred to coffin and laid to rest in the sarcophagus inside the secret tomb

We needed lots of strength to move the mighty pharaoh!

And that is how you mummify a body!