We are enjoying learning about the different jobs people do. In our class, we have had many role play scenarios; Chinese Restaurant, Vets, Dentist, Doctors and Cafe. This week the children voted for an Ice Cream shop, where they can all take turn to be the helpful shop assistant.
We were very lucky to have visits from parents to explain their jobs, Hannah’s dad is a BT Engineer and he came and talked about his role in keeping us all online and connected.

Charity Work:
Aylah’s mum works for a Charity called Muslim Aid. She came in and explained the important work she does for people less fortunate than ourselves, not just from this country but from all over.
Many children felt they would like to work for a Charity after this discussion.

Hamilton Class get busy at the Fire Station
Our annual trip to the Fire Station was greatly enjoyed. Of course many of the children now want to be firefighters.
We are getting ready to leave school. High vis jackets on, check,

The fire engine backs up to give us room to look around.
Kaung helps us inside the truck to try on the helmet. First, we had a ride in the fire truck and put on the firefighters helmet. The steps were very high and steep. We needed help to get onto the seat.

After the ride in the fire engine, we were shown how the fire hose works. The fire fighters told us that they need to attach the hose to the mains because the truck only carries a small amount of water.
Hose fun: