An extension has been given to the earlier promotion and parents can now sign up to SafeToNet with a lifetime subscription for FREE before Tuesday, September 15th 2020 (normal price is £4.99 per month).
In addition, on Thursday September 10th at 10am, there is a Zoom call for parents in Tower Hamlets to learn more about SafeToNet and how the app can help to prevent bullying, abuse, sexting and online aggression.
Zoom Meeting: us02web.zoom.us/j/89718064531
Meeting ID: 89718064531
What is SafeToNet?
As a response to this year’s unprecedented Covid pandemic, more and more children are spending time alone on their devices or have been gifted personal devices to help with their online learning. To combat this increased risk, the SafeToNet Foundation is making available 1 million licences of SafeToNet’s safeguarding software free for life to UK families.
SafeToNet is an app for parents that helps safeguard their children from online risks like cyberbullying and sexting, whilst respecting the child’s rights to privacy. It also gives children wellbeing exercises to help deal with issues such as stress, fear and anxiety.
The smart keyboard Parents can see an analysis of low/high risk to know when to talk to their child Children can record their emotions using an Emotions Diary
Benefits for children and parents are outlined below:
The app has recently been featured in CNet’s list of recommended online safety apps and is used by families throughout the world.
Sign Up:
Parents have until midnight on the 15th of September to register their details via this link.
During the new school term, we hope to have a visitor from SafeToNet come to Lansbury Lawrence to host a parent’s workshop explaining the benefits of the app and how it can be used as tool to help keep your child safe online.
As always at Lansbury Lawrence, we encourage parents to:
- Continue to talk to your child about their online activity
- Set boundaries for how long your child is spending online
- Show interest in your child’s games & websites that they frequently use
- Know which apps are installed on your child’s device
- Encourage your child to talk to you or another family member if they ever feel uncomfortable online
- Read more at ParentZone’s Parent hub….