After reading our story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Carle class spoke about how butterflies are symmetrical. We know that butterflies look the same on both sides and spoke about them having a mirror image on the other side. We know that whatever colour or pattern that is on one side of a butterfly will have to be the same on the other side. We used our fine motor skills to match the butterfly cubes together.

After really focusing on different patterns we then had a go at making out own symmetrical butterflies. We spoke about the different parts of a buttery that is needed the wings, antenna and a body. The children were given a paper that had been folded in the middle and were focusing on only painting half of the butterflies . After that the children really enjoyed folding the paper and printing the paint onto the other half of the paper. We were really amazed to see the finished butterflies and even added some additional features like eyes and patterns with felt tips. The butterflies are now hanging up for display in Carle class come over and have a look if you can.