Newsletter – 8th March 19

Dear Parents and Carers On Monday it is our first STEAM Day at Lansbury Lawrence. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. We are hoping to inspire our children through a day immersed in these subjects. If you are available to help on the...

Newsletter – 1st March 19

Dear Parents and Carers Welcome back after the half term break. We’ve had some lovely weather this week, and our spring flowers are beginning to bloom around the school site. We are proud of our school grounds and are currently working on improving our outside...

Newsletter – 15th February 19

Dear Parents and Carers Thank you to all of the families who came in to our class exhibitions this week. We think it is important to welcome our community in to our learning environment to celebrate learning, and we really appreciate your support. Class exhibitions...

Newsletter – 8th February 19

Dear Parents and Carers Thank you to all the families who attended our Safer Internet Day parent session on Tuesday. If you were unable to come along, please do have a look on the following website for information on keeping our children safe...
Online Safety

Online Safety

On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day, in 2B we had a lesson about who we should trust on the internet. We watched this great video to help keep us safe. We decided that seeing as though we already have a classroom contract to help keep us safe in the classroom we...

Newsletter – 1st February 19

Dear Parents and Carers On Tuesday, our new hens arrived at Lansbury Lawrence. They have settled in really well, and are already producing eggs. We are lucky to have such amazing outside space at school, and having our new hens to look after has made it even better!...