Last Wednesday, Year 5 set off on a journey to the museums of South Kensington. Loaded with our packed lunches and first aid kits, our mission was to explore the space exhibit at the science museum, experience HUBBLE 3D, an IMAX movie set in space, on one of the largest cinema screens in Europe and finish with a visit to the moon… 3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF!
Glasses on, ready for HUBBLE 3D! Before the show began
Learning about bathroom routines in space A real astronaut suit! Artefacts from previous space missions Learning about the first man in space A huge model rocket over our heads
After exploring at the science museum and being blown away by the 3D movie, we ventured to the Natural History Museum to see their Moon exhibit (and a quick visit to the Dinosaur exhibit!)…
Having a moon picnic Rawr! Entrance hall to the NHM