by Glen Lucille | Jul 13, 2021 | O'Keeffe Class 2020/21
It has been a busy time in O’Keeffe Class. We have enjoyed learning through play and activities. The Teaching Team all work so hard to support the children so they all deserve a big WELL DONE TEAM O’KEEFFE! The Teaching TeamComputer TimeEveryone can log...
by Glen Lucille | Jun 18, 2021 | O'Keeffe Class 2020/21
We love learning number facts and strategies. Today we were playing a dice game. We had to roll the two dice in our pairs and decide if it was a double or near double. We could only write down these on our white boards. The winner was the pair with the most double or...
by Glen Lucille | Jun 17, 2021 | Music, O'Keeffe Class 2020/21
In O’Keeffe Class we really know how to say our phonic sounds. This is us giving it our best shot. Ready, Steady,...
by Glen Lucille | Jun 15, 2021 | Music, O'Keeffe Class 2020/21
Today, we took part in the World Record Event, the Biggest Sing. Our children really enjoyed warming up their bodies and voices ready for the singing. Warming up our voices More fun warming up our voices Lovely Day
by Glen Lucille | May 28, 2021 | O'Keeffe Class 2020/21
Our learning in Science has been all about Animals including humans. Kayden volunteered to be drawn around and we discussed the different parts of the body. Hold still whilst we draw around your body In English we read so many books together. One book was all about...