by Afsana and Zahraa
Computing: We continued to use a program called Scratch this week. We used instruments on there to make sounds, music and lots of other things. We did our reflections on our laptops and we had to talk about what we did.
Religious Education: We used computing in our RE lesson as well when we learnt about Lent. I knew that Muslims fast for Ramadan, and the similarities were that Christians fast too.
Assembly: We showed the school what we have been learning in PE. When we did our performance, we did not have much space because the whole school were there. We also felt nervous because it was going to be difficult, but we were resilient because we still did it anyway. One of the teachers gave us a token when we were finished.
English: We started this week by typing our story from last half term using Google Classroom. It was a story about a lonely character who finds some bones. Everyone chose some chapters to write; I chose chapter 5. We finished by editing it and changing the font.
In our new class story, an iron giant has appeared and scared a boy called Hogarth. The book is about the Iron Man who loved to eat metal.
Maths: Everyone was so happy when we won class of the week for TT Rockstars. Warsame and Syeda had their picture taken in front of the maths wall.