In Maths we have been converting decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals. We have explored this concept using different resources to develop our conceptual understanding. This week we also used Rekenrek’s for the first time to explore equivalent fractions and decimals within 1 looking at tenths and then explored twentieths. We are looking forward to using the Rekenreks when we move on to percentages and ratio.
Aaqib, “We used Rekenrek’s to explore fractions and decimals by looking at tenths first. We then moved on to find 1/20 of a whole by noticing the relationship between tenths and twentieths. We noticed that 2/20 is equal to 1/10. So if 1/10 is 0.1, then 1/20 is half of that which is 0.05.”
This week we have also explored Times Fables. This book aims to support our memory of times tables facts by creating characters and stories with numbers. Fahim and Marco started exploring the story this morning and have already seen the benefits of relating number facts with characters and their stories.
Fahim, “I am enjoying the stories in the book because it is helping me remember times table facts. The characters help me remember the facts as I can see what numbers they represent in my head. For example, Dr Sven as 7 and the Robin as 3, in the story the Robin made Dr Sven sneeze 21 times. So 7 x 3 = 21!”
Marco, “I enjoy the stories as it helps me remember trickier times tables and the characters make it fun to learn.”
Look out for future updates on our blog this term 🙂