Dear Parents and Carers
We hope you are all safe and well at home. Teachers and support staff have been working hard to provide online learning for children to access, while school is closed. Most of this is set through Google Classroom. There is a guide here on how to access Google Classroom from home. You will also receive a phone call each week from a member of staff to check how you are getting on; if you need any support with anything, please do let us know. Please note that our school office phone line is open between 8am – 12pm. You can also send an email to
Easter Hat Parade
A highlight of the year at Lansbury Lawrence is the annual Easter Hat Parade. It’s lots of fun seeing everyone’s creations and we always have a big celebration assembly. Even though we are not in school, we still wanted to continue our tradition and, here it is, the 2020 (virtual) Easter Hat Parade! Well done to everyone who took part, all of the hats are amazing, and as soon as we are back in school we will award some well-deserved prizes.