Dear Parents and Carers

World Book Day!

World book day is on Thursday 5th March. We will be celebrating in school with a special assembly and story session for the children. We are not asking children to dress up this year. Please send your child to school in school uniform as usual. Thank you.

Henry Moore Maquettes

Hokusai class learnt about the work of artist, Henry Moore, as part of learning on the Human Body. Moore made lots of sculptures based on the human form, including Old Flo which can be seen at Canary Wharf. The Arts Council made a film about Old Flo last year, which can be seen here; Old Flo by Henry Moore

Moore made lots of maquettes, small sculpture studies, of his initial ideas. Hokusai worked in pairs to make their own maquettes using some of the same techniques as Moore. The results are fantastic! We have entered them in to an art competition run by Canary Wharf, so do keep your fingers crossed for us…

School Council Design School Street for Tower Hamlets

Some of our School Council were working with urban designers and civic engineers from Sustrans this week, to help design our new School Streets outside Lansbury Lawrence, Bygrove and Mayflower Primary Schools. Tower Hamlets Council has appointed Sustrans to deliver the first 11 school streets as part of an ambitious commitment to deliver 50 school streets (streets where motor traffic is diverted away from the school gate to reduce air pollution and create a safer environment) outside primary schools in the borough by 2022. The designers will use our ideas to inform their ideas and hopefully we’ll get to see them come to life next year when the School Street will be built.

Year 3 explore Mountains

Year 3 became intrepid geographers and completed a lot of research about the world’s tallest mountains. We found out the tallest peaks in each continent and then used the Chromebooks, atlases and other non-fiction books to discover as much as we could about these giant summits: Everest, Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro, Jaya Peak, Vinson Massif and Mont Blanc.

Thank you

A big thank you to The Parents Group who decorated all the cakes which were sold on Valentines Day. A massive £126.40 was raised which will go towards the School Fund. Thank you everyone who bought cakes.


Monday 2nd March

Thursday 5th March

World Book Day – see message at top of newsletter

Friday 6th March

Year 2 to Tower Bridge

Wednesday 11th March

Year 1 to Crossrail Roof Garden

Friday 13th March

Year 4 to National Maritime Museum