Dear Parents and Carers
What an exciting week it has been here at Lansbury Lawrence. Kahlo Class had a great time on their Suffolk residential; paddling in the sea, catching crabs, and bird-watching at RSPB Minsmere. All of year 3 met the poet and author, Michael Rosen, at the Barbican. All of year 4 went to the Science Museum for some fun hands-on learning experiences. There was also an event at Canary Wharf to celebrate our Room for Art exhibition currently on in the community gallery. Take a look at some of this brilliant learning in the photos below…
This weekend marks the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. It is most well–known for fasting, which means not eating or drinking during the daylight hours, but it is also a time where Muslim families come together in their faith and remember those around the world and at home who are less fortunate than themselves.
It is an important time for families, and children often like to take part in the fast. There are many ways in which families choose to support their children joining in while making sure that they are healthy and alert for school and their learning.
Some ideas that families have shared with me are:
- Fasting by taking their evening meal after dusk while still having breakfast and lunch.
- Fasting for one or two days of the weekend, when the children can be relaxed and are able to sleep and be calm.
- Giving up some foods that are more pleasurable while still drinking water and eating food that keeps the children well.
Families tell me that these ideas help prepare the children for fasting when they’re old enough and allow them to feel a part of this special time.
There are a small number of parents who occasionally wish their children to fast during the month. For this to happen in school, a parent must speak to someone senior at the school so that we can discuss how we’ll look after your child during the day, which is long and warm at this time of year.
We do not think that it is suitable for children who are Year 4 and under to fast during the school day.
Ramadan Mubarak!
Kahlo Class in Suffolk
Some of the fantastic memories made…

Year 3 meet Michael Rosen
To celebrate the end of our Barbican Box project, all of year year 3 got to meet Michael Rosen in person at the Barbican this week. He told us stories and some of his poems, and he made us laugh by being a bit silly and very funny. We watched films about our project, made by the artists John and Reza. Some of the children spoke about the project too, and did a great job speaking confidently to the audience.

Year 4 at the Science Museum
Van Gogh and Riley class visited the science museum where they experienced a very ‘heated’ show. Heated? well, that’s because the children learnt how fire is created and fuelled. The children were stunned by the amazing fire display created by the lead scientist. And some were even brave enough to volunteer and help with the show!

Competition Winner
Remember in last week’s newsletter, where we wrote about Van Gogh class entering the Royal Opera House set design competition? Well, this week we found out that Mahdi was the winner! All of Van Gogh class will be going to watch Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Opera House later this month as part of the prize. Well done Mahdi!
Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Key Dates
Thursday 9th May
O’Keeffe Class assembly
Friday 10th May
Year 2 to Mile End Cemetry Park
Thursday 16th May
Goldsworthy Class assembly
Friday 17th May
Peggy Angus Class canoeing
Monday 20th May
Year 5 to Southbank Cantre
Thursday 23rd May
Daisy Class assembly
Friday 24th May
End of half term