Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to the summer term at Lansbury Lawrence. This term we have some new children with us, as we have opened up provision for two year olds. The children have settled in already, and it’s lovely to see them exploring the activities set up for them both inside and outside. If you would like more information on our provision and wrap around care, please visit the reception or speak to someone in the nursery.
Our youngest children at Lansbury Lawrence
A few images of our two year olds settling in this week.

Riley Class create a Storm
Riley Class created a storm in the classroom (literally and metaphorically) while immersing themselves into an afternoon of jam-packed fun tranforming their learning environment. They made a 3D tornado, fluffy clouds which are pelting down rain, bolts of lightening, chalk artwork of thunder and lightening streaks and finally, paintings of hurricanes and floods. All this is to prepare them for our new learning theme which is on Extreme Weather. Make sure you come and pay our classroom a visit and don’t forget to bring your umbrella!

Romeo and Juliet Set Designers
Van Gogh Class were busy for the whole of last half term being set designers. We took part in the Royal Opera House Design and Make Challenge, designing a set for the ballet, Romeo and Juliet. It was a brilliant process where the children had to research, plan and design their set before making a 3D model. Every child made their own set, and they were all different and interesting. They had to think about scale and leaving enough room for the dancers to get on and off the stage and to be able to dance around the set.

Congratulations to our Debate Team
This week our young debaters from years 5 and 6 went to a regional competition to debate in front of judges and other school teams. They did fantastically well, this is our first year of debating at Lansbury Lawrence, and we are really proud of the children and their well-earned certificates.
Well done to our Learners of the Week!

Key Dates
Tuesday 30th April
Year 3 to the Barbican Centre
Wednesday 1st May
Year 4 to Science Museum
Friday 3rd May
Hirst Class canoeing
Wednesday 10th May
Year 2 to Mile End Cemetry Park
Friday 17th May
Peggy Angus Class canoeing
Monday 20th May
Year 5 to Southbank Cantre
Friday 25th May
End of half term