Dear Parents and Carers
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a restful holiday.
This term promises to be as exciting as ever and the children have been getting excited about their class themes for this term. We’re especially looking forward to welcoming our new hens on the 29th January! We have such a beautiful site, it’s wonderful to see more and more learning happening outdoors.
Next Wednesday we will be having our next Have Your Say event at 9:00 in the community room. It’s really important to us to hear your views, so please come along.
School Opening Hours
Reminder to all parents/carers:
- School Gates open at 8.45am
Please bring your children in at 8:45. There are activities ready and waiting for them and it also gives you time to see what and how they’re doing before we close the gates at 9:00.
Children after 9am should enter the school via the Main Office and they will be marked as late.

Little Red Riding Hood left us some flowers
Little Red Riding Hood left Reception classes some flowers in the garden. We decided to keep them safe and explore still life drawing. The children remembered that flowers have petals, stems, and that they belong in a vase. Today, we will be making flowers out of clay!
Who Were the Victorians?
Riley Class are beginning to learn the answer to this question! The children began by creating some impressive work for their classroom during their immersion lesson. They made silhouettes, Victorian portraits and created a scene of London from the Victorian era. Year 4 will be visiting Keats House soon, to learn about the Victorian poet and see how people lived in London at that time.

Here’s How To Keep Your Body Healthy
Hepworth Class worked with Simon Lambert, an animation teacher, last half term and here is the film they produced together. The song being sung was written by Hepworth Class, and tells you what you need to eat to keep your body healthy and strong.
Well Done to our Learners of the Week!

New Year New You – Cycle Parents Course in Poplar
Every Wednesday 10am-12noon
Trussler Hall, 78 Grundy St, Poplar, E14 6AE
Always wanted to learn to ride a bike or want to improve your cycle skills in 2019? We have some great news. Every Wednesday at Trussler Hall there will be adult cycle training courses for all levels.
The course is open to all levels and there will be special trainers available to help you learn to ride for the first time or improve your cycling skills. No need to bring a bike. Bikes and helmets will be provided.
To take part in the training you MUST to book a slot on this website or call Alison on 07814041304
The training runs every Wednesday so don’t worry if you not free this week you can book on for next week or the week after. Please do make sure if you are going to attend any sessions that you follow the link and book your place so we can make sure there are enough trainers available. If Wednesday is not a good day for you please contact me and I will try and arrange an alternative day for the training.
If you have any questions about the courses please contact the schools Bike It Officer Alison Litherland on 07814041304.
Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.
From Monday 14th January
Bike Training all week for Year 5
Tuesday 15th January
Year 6 visit to the Imperial War Museum
Wednesday 16th January
Parents ‘Have Your Say’.
9:00 in the Community Room
Friday 18th January
Year 2 to the Crossrail Roof Garden
Wednesday 23rd January
Riley Class to Keats House
Thursday 24th January
Van Gogh Class to Keats House
Wednesday 30th January
Hepworth Class to Roman Amphitheatre, London Guildhall
Thursday 31st January
Hokusai Class to Roman Amphitheatre, London Guildhall
Tuesday 12th February
Year 5 to the London Buddhist Centre
18th-22nd February
School Closed for the Half-term Holiday
8th-22nd April
School Closed for the Easter Holiday