What do you do with an Idea?
This week children in 3B Hokusai class found out the stupendously exciting news that they are going to be singing with one of the UK’s finest orchestra’s in a performance at the Barbican.
In June 2019, the children will perform with the London Symphony Orchestra in a brand-new concert inspired by the brilliant book What Do You Do With An Idea? written by Kobi Yamada, illustrated by Mae Besom and published by Compendium. This concert will use music composed over the last 200 years to explore how composers old and new have turned their ideas into amazing music for orchestra.
3B will be learning the orignal songs Paul Rismann wrote in order to turn the book into music and will be accompanied by the London Symphony Orchestra when they perform in June.
The book focuses on the relationship between a young child and their ‘idea’. It deals with all of life’s challenges: doubt, worry, anxiety, self-belief, commitment and courage. We will be exploring the book in our P4C sessions alongside learning the songs.
The LSO at the Barbican Illustration from Kobi Yamada’s book ‘What do you do with an Idea?’