This half term our topic has been wheels and wings.

In literacy we have been reading stories about transport. We used our senses as we listened to and engaged with the story ‘On the Journey Home from Grandpa’s’.

‘The car drives down the bouncy bumpy road’

‘The train speeds along the shiny railway track’

‘The tractor bumps across the brown and muddy field’

‘The digger scoops up the icky sticky sand’

In maths we have been learning about big and small. We sorted objects into big and small, ordered objects by size and built towers with lego, comparing the size.

In our topic learning we have been discussing our transport likes and dislikes. We have also been taking turns while exploring a range of sensory transport activities.

We learnt about Chinese New Year. We made some noodles and had a go at using chopsticks to eat them!