Today, Year 1 Kapoor Class had chosen to focus their learning disposition on resilience. They called this concept their learning power that will be promoted across all subjects and all aspects of life. Children discussed what resilience means and what it means to be a resilient learner.

“Resilience means to never give up!”

We sat in a circle and talked to our learning partners about how we feel when we are faced with challenging tasks. Many children voiced that they felt ‘sad’, ‘confused’, ‘stuck’ and ‘frustrated’. We noted these down and then talked to our learning partners about what we can do to overcome these challenges.

Children collectively agreed that they could ask their learning partners for help. Others said, ‘we should try help ourselves first’ before asking others for help.

We can do this by thinking about ‘how can I solve my problem(s) by myself first?’

hmm.. how can we be more resilient?

Based on our group discussion, children expressed ways they could overcome their challenges. For example, in English when they are ‘stuck’ the first thing they will do is look inside their trays for a phonics mat to help them with their writing. This way children can write their ideas down independently and avoid feeling frustrated. Most importantly, they all agreed that it is okay to have a go and make mistakes because we can learn from them!

These are just a few examples of how Kapoor Class will work towards becoming a resilient learner!

To end circle time, children shared quotes as a reminder to always be resilient. e.g. ‘Be brave’ and ‘never give up’.

Children shared ideas on how they can become a resilient learner.

We are all excited to embark on this learning journey together!

We hope to update you all with our progress soon!

Year 1 Kapoor Class