This week we have had many elements of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) around the class room. At the beginning of the week we had some daffodils in the class room and we spoke about how they bloom and what flowers need to grow. We then all did some observational drawings of the daffodils.

We also had an experiment when building the road for our cars, thinking about how we can make them go faster or slower. The children decided that the higher up the ramp was then the faster the car would go. We looked at how different textures would have an effect on the speed of the cars and the foam and rough ramps made the cars move slow.

For maths this week, we have been learning about two part and three part patterns, we have been looking for patterns in the classroom and outside, but also making our own. Here are some of our AB patterns and ABC patterns.

This afternoon, we had a go at making our own volcano eruptions using vinegar and bicarbonate soda. We even learnt that this chemical reaction would help us blow up a balloon.