School Uniform

At Lansbury Lawrence Primary School, we expect all children to wear the school uniform when they attend school or school events. We believe that this builds a sense of belonging to the school community and a pride in the children’s collective achievements.
Children in the nursery do not wear uniform, but please follow these recommendations:
- Trousers should be jogging bottoms, or have elasticated waists
- Shoes or trainers must protect the toes and be suitable for running in
- Washable clothes which your child can be independent in
You can buy our school uniform online through:
388 Bethnal Green Rd, London E2 0AH, (020 7729 3286)
Tower Hamlets supports families to buy their school uniforms if they meet certain criteria. Please use this link to find out more: Tower Hamlets School Clothing Grants. Please ask in the playground or at the school office to speak with Maureen, our family liaison worker, if you’d like support with this.
Girls should wear:
- Red polo shirt (with the school logo)
- Navy Trousers, shorts, pinafore or Skirt
- Blue or red gingham dress
- Black or white socks or navy tights
- Navy school sweatshirt or jumper (with the school logo)
- Red or navy cardigan (with the school logo)
- Navy hijab or headscarf
- Dark shoes or trainers (shoes must protect the toes and be suitable for running in)
Boys should wear:
- Red Polo Shirt (with the school logo)
- Navy trousers or shorts
- Black or white socks
- Navy school sweatshirt or jumper (with the school logo)
- Dark shoes or trainers (shoes must protect the toes and be suitable for running in)
All children should bring a school book bag every day. They should not bring any other equipment as everything that they need is provided.
Children may bring their own named or distinctive water bottle to school with them.
Jewellery is not permitted with the exception of small studs in pierced ears or jewellery that has a religious or medical significance.
PE Kits:
- Plain navy or black jogging bottoms or shorts
- Plain white t-shirt (with a warm top for outside during the colder months)
- Trainers
For jewellery, it’s very important that if a child is wearing earrings, they can take them off and on by themselves as it’s not appropriate for an adult to help with this. Necklaces and bangles will also need to be removed.
Headscarves in school colours can be worn, but they should not be pinned and should come off easily if they catch.