In Delaunay class this half term we have learnt SO much!
In maths we looked at position and direction. We learnt about clockwise and anticlockwise direction…
This led on to looking at time. We can now tell the time for o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past!
For music we have focused on pitch and learnt the song ‘Do Re Mi’. We used a variety of pitches and performed our songs to the class.
In English our story was ‘The Magic Paintbrush’ – we innovated our own independent story and are really proud of our work. Here are some examples:
Our highlight was our wonderful trip to the Dockland’s Museum – we got the DLR to West India Quay. Our topic this term has been Christopher Columbus so we wanted to find out about other explorers.
We then came back to school and had a classroom picnic! Delicious!