We have had another great half term in Carle Class. Here are some of the activities that we have been getting up to.
We have been busy in the construction area building some elaborate models!

We were very excited when Amy and Laura from Bow Arts came to visit and helped us to get creative!

We learnt the story of the Little Red Hen. We became confident story tellers as we learnt to retell the story. We then worked together to make a story map and finally we changed the main character, so our story became The Little Black Ant. We enjoyed exploring flour and mixing water to make dough. Some of us had a go at making our own Little Red Hens and story maps.

For science week we became scientists and watched some science experiments. We were very curious, excited and engaged.

This week we have been talking about Easter. We talked about some of the things that Christians do to celebrate. We tasted hot cross buns.

Have a lovely holiday everybody and I look forward to seeing you in the summer term!