Safeguarding Your Child

All schools have a clear responsibility placed on them by the Children Act 1989 and by guidance from the Department for Education to safeguard the welfare of all their pupils. In doing so, schools are expected to consult with Children’s Social Care if they believe there is a possibility that a child may be suffering from abuse or neglect. 

A referral to Children’s Social Care is not intended to be an accusation of any particular action or against any particular person. It is the reporting of concerns which have come to the school’s attention. This is in accordance with Tower Hamlets Local Safeguarding Children Board’s Child Protection Procedures. 

Lansbury Lawrence Primary School has a Child Protection Policy and this refers to Tower Hamlets Local Safeguarding Children Board’s Child Protection Procedures. Both of these documents are publicly available and can be consulted by parents / carers. 

Main Safeguarding Contacts 

Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL)  Monique de Jager (Deputy Head Teacher & Designated Lead Officer) 
Deputy DSLs 

Owen O’Regan (Head Teacher)
Maureen Padmore (Family Liaison Worker) 
Michelle Morskyj Inclusion Officer)

Single Point of Contact for Prevent  Monique de Jager 
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children  Jo Asiedu (SENCo) 
Safeguarding Governor  Geoff Cannell 


Any one of the above-named people will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns parents / carers may have about Child Protection practice. 

Abuse / Harm is identified in four ways: 


Is when a child is deliberately hurt or injured 


Is when a child is made to feel frightened worthless or unloved. It can be by shouting, using threats or making fun of someone. It can also be when children see their parents/carers, or visitors to the home, fighting or using violence 


Is when a child is influenced or forced to take part in a sexual activity. This can be a physical activity or none physical, e.g. being made to look at an inappropriate image. 


Is when a child is not being taken care of by their parents/carers. It can be poor hygiene, poor diet , not keeping appointments for additional support, not coming to school or being left home alone 

Safeguarding Issues 

Attendance – Your child’s attendance is monitored daily and significant absences are always followed up by the attendance officer. The school has an attendance policy that you should read and understand and at times, you may be asked to produce travel documents if you are taking your child out of school during term time or for other long periods of time. 

Behaviour – Lansbury Lawrence has clear behaviour rules for the whole school community that must be followed to keep everyone safe and happy. We understand that children do sometimes fall out and this will be dealt with by an adult who will listen to the children involved and help resolve the situation. 

Bullying – The school takes all cases of bullying very seriously and will work with children and families to try and resolve any problems. The school has an anti-bullying policy that you should read and understand. 

Health and Safety – Everyone at school has a responsibility to keep adults and children safe within the school environment. The school has a clear health and safety policy which everyone must follow. The school have fully trained first aiders to deal with any accidents in school.  

E‐safety – The school recognises that technology plays an important role in the education of our children and is committed to safeguarding children in the virtual world.  Parents/carers should be vigilant and ensure that their children are accessing age appropriate social media platforms including the use of video games which are not suitable for the child’s age.  To support parents, the school has e‐safety information to help keep your children safe both at home and in school, which is available on our schools website and on request. 

Complaints – If you have any complaints about how the school is working with you or your child please feel confident to speak to us. The Headteacher will always be happy to speak to you to resolve any difficulties.  It is better to speak to us as soon as you have a concern so that it does not become a bigger issue. If you do not feel the matter has been resolved, you can raise your concerns with the Chair of Governors.    

Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism 

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 details the ‘Prevent Duty’ for schools which equips us with the knowledge we need to look out for signs of potential extremist or radicalised behaviour. As parents, you may find the following websites and documents useful: 

 In-School Programmes and Outreach 

We have a range of programmes in school as well as visiting support workers aimed at supporting our pupils with their Social, Emotional and Mental Health. 

To discuss a referral to an in-school programme or an outreach worker, please contact Ms Jo Asiedu (SENCo) 


Useful contacts to report a concern:  

If you need help then please contact one of the following:  

If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed through abuse or neglect you should contact the children’s services advice and assessment team on  

020 7364 5601 or 020 7364 5606. 

Alternatively you can speak to a police officer, teacher, health visitor, doctor or the NSPCC. 


Useful Websites for parents 


Service  Help with:  Contact  Website link 
NSPCC  Abuse, neglect and prevention  08001111 
St Joseph’s Psychological Therapies Team  Bereavement 

0300 303 0400 (intake team no)

0208 525 6000 ext. 5140 
The Drop In Bereavement Centre  Bereavement  0207 511 6444 
Winston’s Wish   Bereavement 

08452 03 04 05   

Helpline 03001115065 
Bullying UK  Bullying  Helpline 0808 800 2222 
The Centre for Better Health  Counselling and psychotherapy  Tel: 020 8985 3570
Hestia  Domestic Violence  South Asian Service – 0207 517 1420 
Generic – 0207 858 6500
Floating Support – 0207 517 1420 
Young Minds  Emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and YP  0808 802 5544   Website 
Food Bank  Food bank 

St Marys and Holy Trinity Bow church

Mondays from 10-2. 



Shelter  Housing and Homeless 

0344 515 1540 help line
0344 515 2222 for the outreach service 
Tower Hamlets Befriending Service  Mental Health  Tel: 020 7613 0147
Praxis Community Projects  Migrants and refugees  Tel: 020 7728 7985
Fax: 020 7729 0134
New Londoners, Children’s Society  Refugees and Migrants  Call: 020 7474 7222  Text: 077 1441 2351 Manager: Clair Cooke  Website 
RISE Project (run by New Londoners, Children’s Society)  Refugees and Migrants  Call: 020 7474 7222  Text: 077 1441 2351 Email:  Website
Early Help and Transition Team (formerly known as Targeted Youth Support)  YP Support  Email:
Secure email:
Please call 0207 364 2707 