Without music, life would be a mistake.

Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900


Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon. National Curriculum for Music, purpose of study

At Lansbury Lawrence, we follow the Sing Up Music curriculum progression

Fun Singing Assembly

Fun Singing Assembly

Singing assembly with Mr Haswell was great fun today. Everyone excited and looking forward to our Eid picnic this afternoon.

School Pride

School Pride

Hokusai Class performing "We're so proud of our school". This week children in Hokusai class were singing & dancing with Mr Haswell warming up for their upcoming show at the Barbican Hall with the London Symphony Orchestra on Monday 10th June. Click on the thumb...

Choir sing at Duncan Court

Choir sing at Duncan Court

The Lansbury Lawrence school choir visited our local residential home, Duncan Court, again this week. The children went on an Easter egg hunt while there, and had lots of fun singing and showing their Easter hat creations to the residents.