Give it all you’ve got!

Give it all you’ve got!

Today we sang a song in singing assembly called “Give it all you’ve got”, which is a song about having pride in the things we do at school, working hard and having fun with our friends…Click below to watch video.
London Symphony Orchestra

London Symphony Orchestra

Today Hokasai Class visited the Barbican Hall to be part of a concert with The London Symphony Orchestra. The children listened to the orchestra play music by Beethoven, Elgar and Ives and then sang along with the orchestra with a performance called “What to do...
“Arctic fun”

“Arctic fun”

Riley Class performed a song that they wrote themselves called “Arctic Fun” in Achievement Assembly today. Singing and playing the djembes and glockenspiels…Well done! …Click link to watch video.
Fun Singing Assembly

Fun Singing Assembly

Singing assembly with Mr Haswell was great fun today. Everyone excited and looking forward to our Eid picnic this afternoon.