by Glen Lucille | Dec 21, 2021 | Music, O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
We are doing really well learning our High Frequency words and playing Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics online. We try our best with our phonic sounds in our writing everyday. Our Christmas Tree wishes… Santa takes the stairs… Making numbers to twenty with...
by Glen Lucille | Dec 3, 2021 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
O’Keeffe children were very fortunate, we won the prize to decorate the school Christmas tree. We had so much fun hanging the different coloured baubles and carefully weaving the tinsel. All the children enjoyed decorating the tree.
by Glen Lucille | Nov 19, 2021 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
In English we read Imelda and the Goblin King. In the story Imelda and the fairies had a feast for the Goblin King. We enjoyed the feast so much, we decided to make some food for the fairies. We made a Fairy Salad and Goblin Crunch biscuits. After making the food, the...
by Glen Lucille | Nov 5, 2021 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
Imelda and the Goblin King We are reading a story about Imelda, a small girl who lives near the edge of a wood. In the wood there lives lots of fairies, a fairy princess and a mean old Goblin. The children made Woodland Crowns like the Fairy Princess. How we made our...
by Glen Lucille | Oct 22, 2021 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
It is great to sing. You feel alive and full of energy. Here are O’Keeffe Class showing us their excellent singing skills.