Carle class have been hard at work! We have been learning about the season, Autumn and the changes that it brings to the environment. While we listened to a song about Autumn, Carle class had kept a keen eye out for the difference that the season brought. We had spotted the leaves falling from the tree and its change of colours. As an activity we did conker rolling! We put conkers in a tray with paper and squirted some paint inside. We used autumnal colours such as brown, red and yellow, and then shakes the tray to make a lovely pattern!

We also used our fine motor skills to make necklaces! With strings or pipe cleaners, Carle class thread through all sorts of things like pasta, cottons wheels and to challenge them further small straws! Though this was proved to be too easy for Carle class as they were excellent at using their hands to make a necklace.